Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dispute between Nana Buluku and Ogum - a tale from the Yoruba religion

I am reading a book about the "Orixas"", deities/spirits of nature.
It tells stories about how the world came into being, about the origins of each orixa, rise and decline of cities, wars, powers of nature and fertility rituals.

It is pretty much neolithic based but I found a nice tale probably written to remind people to rely more on what nature provides than to the inventions of men.

( English translations from google)

Dispute between NANA Bulukú and OGUM 

Nana Buluku is a very old deity of waters coming from far away and long ago . Ogun is a powerful warlord walking  always ahead of others Imalés . They go one day, to a meeting . It is the meeting of two hundred Imalés of the right side  and four hundred Imales of the left side . They discuss their powers . They talk a lot about Obatala , who created humans . They talk about Orunmila , the lord of the destinies of men . They talk about Exú : " Oh, it's an important messenger ! " They talk a lot about Ogun . They say : " It is thanks to their instruments that we may live . Declare that is the most important among us ! "

Nana Buluku challenges then: " Do not say that. What is the importance of his works? " The other deities respond : " It is thanks to his instruments we work for our food.  It is thanks to his instruments that we cultivate the fields . We use those tools to quarter animals. " Nana decides that will not yield homage to Ogun . " Will there be another Imalé so important ? " Ogun says : " Aha ! Because all other Imalés are paying me a tribute , Nana , you will have to do it too . "

Nana replies that does not recognize its superiority . Both discuss quiet  a lot. Ogun asking, " Do you think I am not indispensable? " Nana said she could tell that this ten times . Ogun then says : " Okay ! You will know that I am indispensable to all things . " Nana , meanwhile , states that , from that day , she will not use anything at all manufactured by Ogun and  still manage to do everything . Ogun question : " How will you do? Did not you know that I am the owner of all metals ? Tin , lead, iron , copper . I own them all . " The children of Nana were hunters . To kill an animal , they began to serve as a stick , sharp -shaped knife for butchering . The animals offered Nanã are killed and hacked off with wooden instruments . Can not be used metal knife to cut his flesh , because of the contention that , since that day , Ogun opposed to Nana .

It was also interesting for me to note thatin spiritual matters the word "ori" .. it is taken to mean an inner portion of the soul that determines personal destiny and success -  (Wikipedia).
It could be linked to the aramaic/hebrew word for "light" (ohr), meaning the inner "spark" of light (the soul).
Plus, the word "ashe"the life-force that runs though all things, living and inanimate (Wikipedia) could also be somehow related to the hebrew word for "snake" (nach-ash), where "nach" stands for "whispering", therefore making "the whispering life force".. keeping in mind the central role of snake in many tales of creation..
Moreover, nachash derives from the root "to shine" and sham-ash is the hebrew word for Sun, and esh is the word for flame, fire thus describing once again the radiant splendOR of Life.

All of these linked, stemming from one common ancestral path (?)

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