Saturday, April 12, 2014

Elevating the material square into the transcending pentacle

Five are the soft and lightly scented petals of the Wild Rose;
Five the numerical value of aramaic/hebrew letter "Hey" tracing with its almost squared shape the limitex boundaries of materiality leaving an opening towards the Infinite Spirit on its upper left corner;
 Five are the Blessed Elements of Nature..

 I dance and sing to summon You all, mighty Spirits! From deep within the depths of the Primordial creative Void, rise now to the highest of heights, it's Tiamat calling! By the Power of Water, kiss me A-dam

as the rolling tongue of the Ocean Waves would passionately reach the sand shore ; by the Power of Earth, embrace me, as the Soil and Roots hold dear the Sacred trees of the Forest; by the Power of Air, inseminate me as the cool midsummer breeze would gently scatter seeds amidst the green fields of the country side; By the Power of Fire, purify me as the ever burning Flame would re-turn heavy matter into light Spirit; By the Power of Aether, mesmerize me as the cosmic Weaver would skillfully spin the silvery thread of Life through the wheels of my subtle bodies.


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